We are proud to announce the launch of the new T.N. Robinson logo and branding.
The previous logo has been with us for over 20 years and has seen us through so much growth. In that time we’ve added new branches, launched our website and social media platforms, embraced new products and technology and introduced same day delivery. The way we do business has evolved, and the way our customers work has changed too. So it felt like the right time to take a closer look at our logo and give it a much-needed refresh.
Reasons for change
Change is inevitable and something to be embraced, but we didn’t want to change the logo just for the sake of it. The new design would have to be dynamic, simple and modern and show that we are forward thinking, while also containing the tradition and spirit of our previous logos. The new logo needed to be more visible from a distance, yet also work well in small sizes such as mobile phone screens. So after a few months of ideas, sketches, design and development we have chosen a logo that we feel meets the above criteria.
The finer details
We wanted to keep with a similar colour scheme. It’s well known that blue and white logos evoke feelings of professionalism, trust and loyalty, and these things are very important to us. The dark blue (Pantone 2746C) is the same colour that has been used in the last 2 logos, the yellow (Pantone Yellow C) is also from a previous logo and provides a better contrast to the blue than the orange does. We have retained the strong, traditional sans serif look of the T.N. Robinson font and simplified ‘Wholesale Electrical Distributors’ to a less complicated ‘Electrical Wholesalers’. Stripes have been an important feature in the past and we have used them to emphasise our established date (just 2 years until we turn 100)! We hope you agree that the new logo is cleaner, modern and more visible, and should work better in more places.
Over the next few days, weeks and months, you’ll see the new logo rolled out on the website, marketing material, on social media and eventually onto vans and branch signs. Changing a logo is a process that can involve many steps and it’ll take some time, so we will be phasing it in gradually. If you have used our former logo in any of your marketing materials, please assist us in updating them. We appreciate your kind support.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.